Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

If you discover any security vulnerabilities in the VPN Defender app, please report them to us as soon as possible, including all relevant details. You can report all privacy and security-related issues to us via email at [email protected].

For secure communication, you can use our PGP key: 7250 F54B F14C C0DB 3084 77AF F5CE EAF6 B0D1 BDF3

When VPN Defender Receives Your Report:

1. We will ask you to keep information about the vulnerability and our communication confidential.
2. We will verify the vulnerability and determine which app releases are affected. A CVE ID will be assigned to the issue once confirmed.
3. We will release an updated version with the resolved issue as soon as possible. If we can’t resolve the issue at the earliest possible time, we may provide workarounds to mitigate the issue in a safe manner without putting users at risk.
4. With your permission, we may include a reference to you in our next release notes, or you can remain anonymous.
5. We will keep you updated on the progress of the reported vulnerability.
6. If we discover any vulnerability that may compromise user privacy, we will take action and provide hotfixes, as well as inform users through in-app notifications about affected versions and recommendations for further actions.

Response Time Based on Issue Severity

The response time depends on the severity of the reported issue:

• Urgent issues will be addressed and resolved immediately.
• High-priority issues will be fixed through planned maintenance or release updates, usually as a patch.
• Medium and Low-priority issues will be addressed in the next planned app release.

Public Researcher Rewards Program

We want to keep your online activities safe and secure with VPN Defender. That's why we use top-notch security measures to protect your sensitive information. However, hackers and scammers are always on the lookout for ways to steal your data.

To stay one step ahead, we’re always looking for ways to improve our security and ensure its highest levels. That’s why we’re inviting you, our valued users and top-performing vulnerability researchers, to help us out. If you find any security vulnerabilities in our software, please let us know. We want to fix them as quickly as possible to keep your information safe.

Through our Public Researcher Rewards program, we reward researchers who contribute to the security of our service, helping us provide a trusted and safe product for VPN Defender users. The severity of the discovered vulnerability determines the type of reward for the researcher.

Rewards for Researchers

Do you have a keen eye for spotting issues? Report them to us, and you could be rewarded!

All reported issues, regardless of their severity, are eligible for a reward. The reward you receive depends on the severity of the issue, but we also consider the quality of your report and estimated risk.

1. Urgent issues are a top priority and will be fixed right away. If you report an Urgent issue, you’ll receive a $299 reward.
2. For High-priority issues, you’ll get a $199 reward. These will be fixed as part of our planned maintenance work.
3. For Medium or Low-priority issues, you’ll receive a $99 reward. These will be fixed as part of our ongoing updates.

Our review team will decide the size of the reward based on the importance of the issue you report. Rewards will be granted as soon as the issue is fixed and within 30 days of your submission.